Power Up For Profits Podcast

266: Sourdough, Veganism, and Social Impact: The Inspiring Journey of Ed's BReD



In the picturesque town of Whistler, British Columbia, a heartwarming tale of community, passion, and resilience unfolds. Meet Natasha and Ed Tatton, the dynamic duo behind Ed's BReD, a thriving vegan/plant-based bakery that has captured the hearts and taste buds of locals and visitors alike. Their story is one of humble beginnings, the power of community, and the spirit of innovation.   It all began with a simple gesture of kindness. Natasha, a yoga enthusiast, started gifting loaves of sourdough bread to Tina, the owner of a local yoga studio, in exchange for yoga classes.   Word of mouth quickly spread, and soon, the demand for their delectable sourdough bread soared. Fueled by the support of their tight-knit community, Natasha and Ed decided to turn their passion into a business.   In March 2019, BReD officially opened its doors, marking the beginning of a journey filled with challenges and triumphs.   Little did they know, their resolve would be tested by an unexpected turn of events - the COVID-19 pande