Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

Ep 45 | Setting Business Goals



Most of us in private practice set out with the goal to help parents and babies breastfeed. All of a sudden, we find we have a private practice business in our hands. And just like those bundles of joy in the arms of the parents with which we work radiate endless potential, our business pulses with a similar potential for growth and a life of its own. Goals begin to ruminate and make their voices known. Which goal to grow? Which to hold on to until another date? This can be especially difficult when the potential seems equal for all of them. Where to begin? Setting business-related goals can be invigorating and daunting at the same time. This episode is the first part of a two-part installment on setting and reaching business goals. Our time together focuses on how we can harness the power of our internal tendencies and mesh them with the SMART goal-setting strategy. Tune in to grow with us!"And how can I set myself up to be able to execute these small tasks that are going to actually reach my big goal, you k