Marketing Today With Alan Hart

393: Kaseya is Leveraging Brand Recognition from Arena Naming Rights with CMO Mike Sanders



Mike Sanders is an avid freediving fisherman, self-proclaimed crypto nerd, and Chief Marketing Officer of Kaseya. Mike started his career as the head of IT for a private brokerage firm, but after a few years, he left to start his own business. He quickly learned that being an entrepreneur meant he would have to be able to do a little bit of everything, and he discovered a knack for the sales and marketing side. He followed that passion to a sales job at Kaseya in 2005. He stayed with the company for nearly 10 years before he left and started another new business, Cenersys. Eventually, that company was acquired by Kaseya, and Mike was brought back to launch and run Unitrends for them. After a while, he started to get more involved in the product marketing and sales side and was brought on to his current role as CMO in 2023.Mike has found that his entrepreneurial background serves him well as CMO at Kaseya, where his responsibilities are broad and reach across demand generation, product and customer marketing,