
How Satan Stops our Prayers, Combat in the Spiritual Realm



How Satan Stops our Prayers, Combat in the Spiritual Realm Join Johnny Baptist while he discusses the empirical events across the world leading up to World War III, the trickery and deceit of the New World Order, and the bizarre weirdness of the fallen angelic UFO phenomenon as we plunge head first into the forth7coming apocalypse and the Seven Seals of Revelation (chapter 6). Join us tonight for a deep-dive analysis of the John Mulinde white paper on how Satan stops our prayers and how combat in the spiritual realm works.  This will help us pray much more effectively and also help us to understand why so many of our brothers and sisters will prophecy events inaccurately. This is information we all need to know especially today. God Bless You - See you there! To sign up for radio show Email Notifications click  Mail Link: