Backbone Radio With Matt Dunn

Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - December 3, 2023 - HR 2



The Golden Rule. If Trump wins next year, should his retribution match or exceed the injustices he has endured? Victor Davis Hanson ponders whether President Trump should right the wrongs or turn the other cheek. The Stalinist Left suffering extreme anxiety that the folks they have so abused might soon step out of the Gulag. Describing the unique pangs of conscience they have brought upon themselves. Retribution and the Rule of Law. Meanwhile, Disloyal Paul Ryan turns hard on Disloyal DeSantis. The Never Back Down PAC for Single-Digits DeSantis blows up almost entirely. Host unable to watch DeNiro movies anymore. Doom Metal. Feeling positive in spite of it all. Celebrating the birthday of Ozzy Osbourne. With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.