To Your Good Health Radio

"Ask the Doctor" with Dr. Friedman - 10.24.19



On this episode of To Your Good Health Radio, Dr. Friedman answers a variety of listener's questions including: Does the celery juice craze stand up to all the hype? Natural ways to increase your energy? Can your gut be causing your depression? What are the benefits of fermented foods? Are Vitamin Supplements really “natural”? (His answer may shock you!) Are there ingredients in microwave popcorn linked to causing cancer? Is it too late to get healthy at 60 if you’ve eaten poorly all your life? ...this and much more. Listeners have questions. Dr. Friedman has the answers. Q&A Angela from Boston asks: Dear Dr. Friedman, I’m 58 years old, overweight and not healthy. I’ve spent most of my life eating fast food and snacking on comfort foods like potato chips. Is it too late for me to lose this weight and regain my health? Ted from Trenton New Jersey asks:Doc, I’m always tired. I’m up to five cups of coffee a day and it’s just not working. Then at night I can’t sleep so I drink wine, which leaves me more gro