To Your Good Health Radio

No More Excuses! Breaking Through the Top 10 Obstacles Keeping People from Attaining Permanent Weight Loss



Are you struggling with your weight no matter what diet you try? You initially lose the pounds, but they come right back? You’re not alone. Ninety-five percent of people who lose weight on a diet will gain it back within a year. We have more diet plans and weight loss programs available than ever before in history, yet people still struggle to lose weight and keep it off! On this episode of To Your Good Health Radio, Dr. Friedman doesn’t discuss any particular diet or weight loss system. Instead, he covers the 10 most common obstacles that are keeping people from achieving permanent weight loss -- no matter what diet they’re on or how much they exercise. If you’re sick of gym memberships that go unused and roller coaster dieting plans you can’t stick with, listen to this information-packed segment!Here are some of the most commonly used excuses that Dr. Friedman will help you conquer: Excuse #1: “I’d love to exercise and cook healthy meals, but I just don’t have the time. I have kids, a full-time job, pets an