Robin Wilkins Smith's Audacious Life The Podcast

Episode 001: Interview with Taylor Matus



Taylor is the Director of the Indigo Yoga Outreach Program in Fort Worth, which offers trauma-sensitive yoga in local addiction recovery centers, community centers, and respite units in her community. She is a Team Leader at Indigo Yoga Fort Worth for roughly 40 teachers. She teaches powerful group classes. Taylor is also a Brand Ambassador for Lululemon™. Taylor's light and witty humor are just a small part of what makes her unique. She is best known for her invigorating Music and Flow class that she created and teaches.  During our interview, she shares her struggles, success, and audacious tips and tricks on how she has crafted the life she lives and loves. Find out more about her and what she brings to the world on: Instagram: Music + Flow Indigo Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Following the interview, stay tuned for Robin's Audacious Life Lesson. This initial lesson embraces the virtues of upgrading your life.