Mental Health News Radio

Consent: Giving it to Yourself, Not Giving it to Others



Join Kristin and Lorilee Binstock as they talk about CONSENT. What does consent look like in 2023? How do we give our consent when we were taught that our consent about anything doesn't and shouldn't exist? What is giving consent to and for ourselves look like? How had consent become a foreign language? As a childhood sexual abuse survivor who received treatment for PTSD later in adulthood, Lorilee learned that sharing her story allowed and even encouraged others to share their stories, giving them the courage to pursue treatment. After receiving the help she needed, she shares what she learned to potentially help others. Podcasting was the vehicle she needed to take her mess and turn it into her message. The first time Lorilee ever heard the term "trauma survivor thriver" was in mental health treatment. Her therapist introduced herself as such. Lorilee learned it is, "a person who is thriving after surviving a trauma." This is something she wanted to continue to strive for and made the podcast name choice an