Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 49 - Embrace Change



Week 49- Why Struggle? Embrace Change All the links - linktr.ee/barbarafaison How are you treating life? I hope you are slowing down and getting the rest you need. I am practicing Hygge (pronounced HOO-ga) - which means to surround yourself with people, activities, and things that make you feel cozy, loved, happy, or content. Check out week 45 - How do you Hygge? to find out more about the practice. Change is what life is all about, right? Doing less, following nature’s guidance and getting enough rest are a few changes I’m learning to embrace.  When I wrote my book/ebook/audiobook, Why Struggle? Life is too short to wear tight shoes, it was as much a reminder for others as it was for myself.  I’ve been sharing excerpts from the book and will continue doing so over the next few weeks. It's a simple change that allows me to share some of the topics and it's great way for people to find out what the book is all about. I hope you enjoy this excerpt called Embrace Change. Embrace Change! You probably go