Hair Of The Dogcast

Raw Dogs 94 - Final Fantasy X pt. 1: Plumbers Don't Wear Lederhosen



It's the most wonderful time of the year.  That time we talk about another Final Fantasy game! Final Fantasy X is game about growing up, accepting death, and transitions.  The transition between PS1 to PS2, the transition into voice acting, and that awkward phase when you don't know how to flirt, so you laugh way too much. We are joined in this episode by Muttski and Spike Vegeta, two amazing speedrunner who have a lot to say about this beautiful game! Muttski: Twitter - @muttskiSRL Video Game Draft - Spike Vegeta Twitter - @SpikeVegeta Check out our Sponsor on this episode MAGIC MIND! An awesome energy supplement that will prevent an afternoon crash and keep you focused on work or gaming or reading Elden Ring theories on Reddit! and use Discount Code: DOGCAST20 to receive up to 56% off your purchase! Hair of the Dogcast is a proud member of the Tok