Hampton Blu Radio

Tina Knowles Defends Beyonce, NY Adult Survivors Act, & Teyana Taylor's Divorce



Welcome to Holliewood and Friends! In this episode, Holliewood dives into the latest headlines, including Tina Knowles fiercely defending her daughter, Beyoncé, against accusations of skin lightening. We'll discuss the nuances surrounding this controversy and its impact. Another focal point is the NY Adult Survivors Act, impacting several high-profile figures like Diddy, Jamie Foxx, and others. We'll explore how this legislation is affecting them and its wider implications. Plus, the spotlight turns to Teyana Taylor's decision to file for divorce from Iman Shumpert, delving into the reasons behind this significant personal move. Also, "What Blows Mine?!" Holliewood shares his take on the most irksome issue of his for the moment.  And let's not forget his question of the week: "When should you stop eating Thanksgiving leftovers?" Holliewood weighs in with his thoughts on this universally relatable post-holiday dilemma. Tune in for an insightful and engaging discussion on these headline-making stories and