School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#243 Why You Don't Enjoy Parenthood As Much As You'd Hoped You Would



Before we had kids, we all had idealized visions of what we *thought* it would be like. For me, it included images of perfectly dressed and pressed children with clean faces sitting on a picnic blanket in the sunshine, enjoying a perfectly mannered meal together. But once we become a parent, we soon realize that those ideals are a far cry from reality. Instead, there are tears, tantrums, and sleepless nights. There are snotty noses and strong opinions. It's no wonder we're not enjoying being a parent as much as we thought we would. If you've ever felt like this -- and especially if you currently feel like this -- then make sure to listen to this episode. We'll share some pragmatic principles and practices -- from our experience raising seven children and working with thousands of parents and youth -- that can help you make your parenting journey so much more enjoyable. RESOURCES: Rachel's 28-Day Challenge and Family Charts & Systems for Moms Greg's Be the Man Coaching & Tribe