School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#242 HOW to (Enjoy) Spending More Time with Your Spouse & Kids



"What would I actually do if I spent more time with my wife and kids? What does that look like?" "I went on a getaway with my husband and I was bored. I couldn't wait to get back to the kids." "I've been going on more dates with my husband (because of the 28-Day Challenge) but we're not enjoying them. He doesn't like to do what I do, and I don't like doing what he does." "My husband and I went away and it was amazing, but I hated returning to the kids who just fight and quarrel every day." "I waited so long to become a mom and then it finally happened. But now I'm not enjoying it." We've heard questions like these -- and more -- over the past several weeks. People understand -- intellectually or philosophically -- that spending time with family is important. But emotionally, they don't always enjoy it. Or it feels like a chore -- or sometimes even torture. They would rather be doing something -- anything -- else, by themselves,