Where Brains Meet Beauty

Episode 244 - Ron Robinson - CEO & Founder, BeautyStat Cosmetics - When Innovator Meets Influencer - The Cosmetic Chemist With A Successful Social Media Following



As far as Health Innovators go, Ron Robinson has cemented his place in the ever-shifting beauty landscape as a go-to-guy for all things skincare. He created BeautyStat first as a blog, and now as a successful skincare line. Along with BeautyStat, Ron has a social media following where he helps his audience navigate which ingredients work and which ones don’t. But looking back, Ron tells us his career journey wasn’t always a given to those who knew him from the beginning.Growing up, there were two options in Ron’s family: be a doctor or a lawyer. When Ron strayed from the path that had been laid out for him, he became an innovator within his own family. Rather than pursue a career in medicine or law, Ron found that cosmetic chemistry blended his knowledge of science with his passion for creating new things. When Ron was hired at Clinique in 1990 (on the spot, we might add) he broke into the beauty industry and never looked back.To hear more of our chat with Ron Robinson, including the heart-warming full circle