She Makes Waves

Lindsay Mayuga - Salon Safety



In this episode, we tackled a crucial, though not so glamorous, topic: Salon Safety. Over my 10 years as a salon owner and hairstylist, I've had to call 911 a few times, and I recently faced another situation that made me realize how important it is to discuss salon safety openly.I shared my experiences and some valuable insights. Locking the door after dark, having a panic button, and trusting your instincts are simple yet effective safety measures. But what's most important is swift, non-confrontational action in uncomfortable situations.I've learned that documentation and involving professionals, like 911, are essential when you spot patterns of erratic behavior in clients. Handling unhappy clients with professionalism, de-escalation, and minimal engagement is key.Remember, trust your gut, prioritize your safety, and call the professionals when necessary. We're hairstylists, not police officers. Safety first, always.Download my FREE workbook Pricing Formula for LIVINGJoin the community on InstagramGet on t