She Makes Waves

Lindsay Mayuga - Mental Health & Inner Child



In this episode of She Makes Waves, I delve into the world of mental health and the concept of the inner child. While I'm no expert on the topic, I draw from my own 15-year journey in therapy to explore how our inner child influences our present experiences. I share how my therapy journey began due to issues with my parental relationships, leading me to confront the concept of the inner child. Over the years, this inner child has played a significant role in understanding why I react to present situations in unexpected ways.The episode touches on the complexities of motherhood and mental health and how having a daughter has become a profound mirror for my own healing journey. I discuss moments when my inner child takes control of my emotions and reactions, shedding light on past experiences that continue to impact my adult self. Through this exploration, I encourage listeners to embrace curiosity and introspection, asking whether their emotions align with their present selves or with their inner child.Ultimat