She Makes Waves

Chellie Carlson - The Unapologetic Fashionista



I’m so excited to have Chellie Carlson on today’s episode. She is a transformational stylist and empowerment advocate, guiding individuals to embrace their true selves through personal styling. With a background in psychology, she helps women boost confidence and break free from limiting beliefs, inspiring them to invest in their growth journey and achieve their fullest potential.We discuss her journey of personal growth and career transformation, reflecting on how she shifted from self-doubt to a mindset of service, which helped her thrive in her business. The importance of investing in oneself is the common theme here, as we emphasize that such investments yield significant returns in personal and professional development.Guided by mentors, advocating for the power of learning from those who've achieved what we aspire to. Throughout her journey, Chellie stresses the significance of unapologetically pursuing one's goals and passions, while also highlighting the value of community and collaboration.See all th