She Makes Waves

Lindsay Mayuga - Becoming



In this episode, I talk about into the power of embracing the journey. From marathons to creative projects. Enjoying the process can be the most rewarding part of any endeavor.Here’s what you can expect to hear in this episode:The Reward of the Process: all the time spent in preparation, the friendships formed, and the personal growth experienced along the way can be more fulfilling than the ultimate goal.Making Waves: it’s important to stay true to yourself and embrace your unique journey, even if it means stepping outside of the norm and weirding a few people out.Start Small, Make a Difference: even helping one person can have an impact. Trust in the power of your own creations to reach those who need them most.As you listen to this episode, you'll be reminded that the true reward lies in becoming the person you are meant to be.Remember, your journey is special, and it doesn't have to be understood by everyone. Keep your dreams close, incubate them in a safe space, and share them with those who will appreci