She Makes Waves

Tracy Ftacek - Manifest Abundance



I am thrilled to have Tracy, an abundance coach and mentor, joining us today on this week’s episode of She Makes Waves. Tracy specializes in helping women overcome self-doubt and negative thought patterns so they can experience the joy of living a full and abundant life. Here’s a peek at what we get into:Breaking Down Barriers: Tracy's intention is to assist in breaking down the barriers and boundaries that prevent us from progressing into new possibilities and a driven mindset. She will share valuable insights on how to overcome these obstacles and create a life of abundance.Manifestation and Abundance: Dive into the power of manifestation and abundance. Tracy shares her own journey and how she transitioned from running a salon to becoming a manifestation and abundance coach.Rediscovering Your Dreams: Discover the importance of dreaming a new dream and exploring your true desires. Tracy will guide you through the process of breaking free from societal expectations and connecting with your authentic self. Are