She Makes Waves

Lindsay Mayuga - It's a No For Me



In this episode of our podcast, I delve into the theme of time and how it shapes our lives. I’m explore the importance of spending time consciously and the significance of where we choose to invest our energy. Here are three key takeaways from the episode:Prioritizing Time: We discuss the impact of consciously deciding how we spend our time and the role it plays in our overall happiness. By reflecting before reacting, we create space for personal growth and fulfillment.Evolving Boundaries: We share personal stories of how setting boundaries, both personally and professionally, can lead to personal evolution. Saying "no" to certain commitments can open doors to new opportunities and allow us to live more authentically.Embracing Change: Change can be daunting, and the fear of losing connections or disappointing others is a common concern. We explore the ongoing practice of embracing change, navigating uncertainty, and finding comfort in the journey of personal and professional growth.As the summer unfolds, I in