She Makes Waves

Lindsay Mayuga - Free Agent



I’m diving deep into the concept of free agency and how it has transformed my approach to work and life. While I used to identify as a lone wolf, I now resonate more with being a free agent—a person who enjoys the freedom to work independently, make choices that align with their passions, and collaborate with others when desired.Here's what you can expect from this episode:Exploring the Lonewolf vs. Free Agent: I share my personal journey from feeling like a lone wolf to embracing the mindset of a free agent, along with the nuances and benefits of each perspective.The Power of Agency and Authenticity: Discover the empowering feeling of having agency over your own life, making choices that resonate with your true self, and caring less about others' opinions.Navigating Vulnerability and Dream Sharing: I discuss the importance of being selective with whom you share your dreams and creations, emphasizing the need to trust yourself and honor your unique path.Follow along on Instagram: @LindsaymakeswavesStay connec