She Makes Waves

Lindsay Mayuga - Be Who You Are



One of the biggest things I want for my daughter is for her to be who she is, wherever she is. Being myself is something I struggled with for a long time. I was always a chameleon, morphing into what I thought people wanted me to be. Have you ever noticed someone that you’ve been able to get to know, one on one, seems like a different person when they are within a group of others. Like do you even  know who that person really is?Everytime you are putting on a facade…you’re living outside of who you are, outside of integrity. I hope with today’s episode, you’ll evaluate your relationships and encounters and determine if you’ve been able to be who you are.Follow along on Instagram: @LindsaymakeswavesStay connected with all the latest happenings with LindsayShe Nets Worth: hairstylist's guide to going independent. Get on the waitlist!