She Makes Waves

Lindsay Mayuga - It can't all live together



This episode spun from a moment I had with my family, thinking I could lump life categories together. Let me explain…I had planned to go for a run by myself and it turned into family walk time…I thought to myself, ‘great, this can fill 2 of my needs’’…but I actually found myself needing to go for a run on the treadmill by myself after the walk with the family when I got home.Now this wasn’t something I didn’t want to do or wasn’t fun for me, because it was. But it wasn’t what I initially prepared myself for and it ended up creating more tension for me. If you take a listen to today's episode, I’m talking through with you how I’m categorizing different aspects of my life that I need fulfilled…separately. Friend time, Lindsay time, Family time, Career time etc. They don’t all live together. In fact, if you try to lump them together…are you really fulfilling your needs?Follow along on Instagram: @LindsaymakeswavesStay connected with all the latest happenings with LindsayShe Nets Worth: hairstylist's guide to goi