She Makes Waves

Lindsay Mayuga - What Do They Know That I Don't?



Do you ever go into panic mode when someone makes a bold decision, thinking you need to do that too because they MUST know something I don't?Back at my first salon, I found myself in a situation where I was letting another’s decision of leaving the salon, scare me into thinking they knew something I didn’t know. Now I realize that was silly.They were doing them. And I needed to do me.Whenever the thought ‘they must know something I don’t’ comes up, I now look at it very differently.Take a listen to today’s episode where I break down how I use these situations as fuel to look at my own life.Follow along on Instagram: @LindsaymakeswavesStay connected with all the latest happenings with LindsayShe Nets Worth: hairstylist's guide to going independent waitlist!