She Makes Waves

Lindsay Mayuga - It's Not Over



Do you give up right before you make it happen? I firmly believe in not calling the game unless you have to call the game! The perfect example was recently when I was up shit creek for child care before my busy day in the salon. I had one hour to line something up and be at the salon. So, what did I do? I threw a hail mary pass and, against all odds, pulled a rabbit out of my hat. It gets me thinking about how often we count ourselves out when there are a few seconds left in the game, and we could turn it around. Sorry for all the sports talk, but I think it illustrates the point beautifully. Follow along on Instagram: @LindsaymakeswavesStay connected with all the latest happenings with LindsayShe Nets Worth: hairstylist's guide to going independent waitlist!