Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Reflecting on Life: Questions to Ask Yourself with Janet



Got Clutter? Get Organized! with Janet M. Taylor," the renowned expert in decluttering and organization. With a career spanning decades, Janet has brought order and simplicity to countless lives. A true testament to Janet's impact is her podcast, "Got Clutter? Get Organized," a weekly resource that has soared to remarkable heights. With dedication and expertise, they've cultivated a platform that resonates with listeners seeking clarity and order in their lives. The podcast's rise to the #1 spot in Indie Home & Garden and Top 100 Home & Garden Charts reflects its profound influence. In this special year-end episode, Janet shifts the focus onto you, the listener, by presenting essential questions that can help you navigate your own journey: This year’s wins: As you listen, think about your own achievements and successes of the past year. What moments made it special for you? Celebrate your victories and acknowledge your progress. What could I do better: Janet encourages you to introspect and consider areas w