
Episode 134 | Part 3: Helping and volunteering



Join for full lessons! Get the FREE newsletter! We've been talking about helping others, and I would like to ask you a few more questions about this topic. Do you like to help others? Absolutely. I find great satisfaction in contributing to the well-being of others, be it in small everyday gestures or more significant acts of kindness. How can children help their parents? Children can contribute to their parents' well-being in various ways. Simple tasks like helping with household chores, such as tidying up their rooms or assisting with cooking, can make a significant difference. Additionally, showing appreciation and respect for their parents' efforts can create a positive and supportive family environment. Why do you think some children don't like helping their parents? I guess one reason for this reluctance might be the age and developmental stage of the child. Younger children might not fully comprehend the value of helping, while teenag