G.o. Get Outside Podcast - Everyday Active People Outdoors

G.O. 095 - Salty Surf Nomad Nick Watts



Nick Watts works for Occupation Wild helping others find adventurous work in the outdoor industry. Seeking adventure is his calling whether hitchhiking across the South Pacific on sailboats, living in a van surfing the breaks of New Zealand, or breaking bones on a mountain bike. He and Jason met one morning at San Onofre Beach to discuss his past, future, and how he came to be adopted by a family in Vanuatu. LINKS: https://www.instagram.com/nick.watts.wild https://www.occupationwild.com https://www.instagram.com/occupation_wild https://www.occupationwild.com/podcast New Zealand Working Holiday Visa: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/options/work/thinking-about-coming-to-new-zealand-to-work/working-holiday-visa Working Holiday Visas: https://www.gooverseas.com/blog/americans-guide-working-holiday-visas Call us and leave a message (up to 3 minutes):1-818-925-0106