Vox Podcast With Mike Erre

435 - Revelation - Part Twenty Seven: Smoke on the Water



Revelation - Part Twenty Seven: Smoke on the Water. Today, Mike and Tim discuss the concept of the lake of fire and its symbolism in the book of Revelation. Merry Christmas!!! What are the origins of this imagery in the Old Testament, particularly in the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah? Does the lake of fire represent destruction rather than eternal conscious torment? What is Hell??? Does the text really advocate for an eternity of torment and separation for "unbelievers?" - The lake of fire in Revelation represents destruction rather than eternal conscious torment. - The imagery of burning sulfur and smoke rising is borrowed from the Old Testament, particularly the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah. - Being left outside the city symbolizes exclusion from the New Jerusalem and the consequences of practicing vices associated with empire. - Understanding the symbolic nature of these images is crucial for interpreting the book of Revelation. Revelation challenges us to ask hard questions and reckon with our