What's On Joe Mind?

WOJM 290: YouTube TeamStream 12/19/2023 (w/Bryan Lower)



This episode is the audio for a YouTube TeamStream that initially ran on December 19, 2023.  TeamStreams run live every Tuesday at 9 pm on the WOJM YouTube channel, barring unforeseen circumstances or holidays.  Please take a moment and help us out — even if you don’t watch us there, subscribe to our YouTube channel today! It's the last live show of 2023, and YouTube's HCC788, Bryan Lower is in for the WOJM Holiday Spectacular!  We attempt to bring you an Absorbvids Community Calendar Special, but our tech craps out on us.  We're a bit more successful with our deluxe Mail Call segment, complete with the gang's Christmas GI Joe memories!  Merry Christmas!    LISTEN TODAY! You can watch this episode at: https://youtube.com/live/WW10gh6t3GQ