On Point

Can focusing on class instead of race solve our country’s equity issues?



Liberal academic Richard Kahlenberg thinks the only way to truly solve America’s deep inequities is to look at class, not race. "When we focus exclusively on race and ignore the class issues, we are missing a huge part of what makes society unfair in America today." About: Hosted by Meghna Chakrabarti, On Point is WBUR’s award-winning, daily public radio show and podcast. Its unique combination of original reporting, first-person stories, and in-depth analysis creates an experience that makes the world more intelligible and humane. Deep dives. Original stories. Fresh takes. We’d appreciate your help to better understand On Point's podcast listeners and get your feedback — it’ll take you about 10 minutes or less! Take our survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/onpointpodcast