Savage Lovecast

Savage Lovecast Episode 887



Is there a homo bro code? A man hooked up with his casual boyfriend’s roommate. Then the boyfriend moved away and they broke up peacefully. Now the caller is worried about resuming his hook-ups with the roommate for fear his ex’s friends will find out and revolt. Does this happen in gayland? A woman is willing to indulge in hot-wifing to please her husband. She met a new guy, but finds she gets so worked up and horny that it eats up all the headspace in her already busy life. How can she learn to chill out and sleep with another dude already? On the Magnum, Dan speaks with Alicia Roth Weigel, intersex rights activist and author of “Inverse Cowgirl.” They talk about what it means to be intersex, how there may be many more intersex people in the population than we assumed, and how humans are on a gender/sexuality spectrum. Don’t miss this one.  A queer woman and her girlfriend have been together for 15 years and they raise a child together. Their relationship has always been open, but the caller’s partner only