Amazing Fba

Explode Your Amazon Sales: The Ultimate Guide to External Traffic via Affiliate Marketing



Welcome to your ultimate guide to unlocking the incredible potential of external traffic via affiliate marketing for Amazon sellers. This episode dives deep into this powerful yet often overlooked strategy, empowering you to scale your brand with minimal capital and skyrocket your sales. Download Levanta's free "Guide to Running an Affiliate Program for Amazon Sellers" [00:04:12] Affiliate Marketing Explained (Lemonade Stand Analogy) [00:07:19] External Traffic vs. Affiliate Marketing [00:09:02] Risk & Reward for Affiliates & Merchants [00:11:29] Profitability & Unit Economics [00:13:25] Thin Margins & Alternative Strategies [00:14:19] Organic Rank & Scalability Benefits [00:16:33] Measuring Success & De-risking [00:17:53] Evaluating Affiliate Marketing vs. CPC [00:19:45] Early Mover Advantage & Open Secret Understanding the Landscape: What is External Traffic and Affiliate Marketing? External traffic refers to any traffic that reaches your Amazon listings from sources outside of Amazon itself, such as social