Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

New Year, Old Habits



News Updates  Discussing the latest interview with Mary Lou about her illness , insurance and income versus feelings from gymnastics fans who dislike Mary Lou for lobbying against the SafeSport Act. Suni's training update, and Shawn Johnson's addiction to Adderall and pain medication College Season Begins! The 2024 college season kicked off with the Super 16 Chaos Festival. We have a LOT of thoughts on the commentary trio (the confusion! the interrupting! the popcorn comment!) and also maybe a couple on the routines or whatever Hear more on last week's College & Cocktails episode on the Oklahoma Michigan Super 16 meet. Week 1 of the new Finish Position deduction. How did everyone do at remembering this is a thing now? Will it last? Correct or Corrupt takes on the "fully candy bars" UB judging at the Super 16. All those 9.900s were at the same level, RIGHTTTT? Plus, 10.000 Watch, who survived beam the best, the attack of the almost-stick, a coach-interference moment, and more More With Club Gym Ne