Generations Radio

America - A Gigantic Pretense - Explaining the Everything Bubble in Simple Terms



Kevin Swanson explains the everything bubble in simple terms.--Since the year 2000, Americans borrowed---72 trillion from money created out of thin air - and they increased the pretended value of themselves by -65 trillion -in real estate and stocks-. The DJIA increased 5 fold in 14 years. Is American industry producing 5 times as much as it was in 2009----America has turned into a gigantic pretense - in economics, religion, and social integrity. But, as Christians we are pressed towards humility and genuineness on every level.--This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Anniversary of Jim Elliot's murder in Ecuador, Florida abortion group hopes to enshrine baby-killing, Sri Lankan pastor criminally charged for sermon comments---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson