Angela Watson's Truth For Teachers

EP292 How I'm planning and setting goals this year



I’m back from my sabbatical and excited to share how I used my time off and what I’m planning for 2024! I’m sharing more about my personal daily art practice in December (which I plan to continue) and time with family over the holidays. I also discuss my approach for the new year, which is flexible intentionality. I want to be deliberate about where I invest my time while holding plans loosely and staying open to necessary adjustments. Additionally, you’ll hear what I’m working on for 2024, including:  Why I moved the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Online Summit to spring instead of summer and how the event is changing this year My vision for free online trainings throughout the year on Finding Flow Solutions (my curriculum line to help students manage their focused attention, time, and energy). The first workshops are happening in February for middle and high school teachers! The new 40 Hour AI course that will kick off this summer to help you feel confident about streamlining your work via artificial intelligenc