Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

From Clutter to Clarity: A Minimalist's Journey to Full-Time Travel with Kayla Ihrig



Join us in this inspiring episode as we sit down with Kayla, a dedicated minimalist and full-time traveler. In April, Kayla took a bold step by parting ways with her entire apartment and letting go of 98% of her belongings to embark on a life of full-time travel with her husband. Her story of transformation is not only fascinating but also holds valuable insights for those looking to break free from clutter and bad habits. Kayla, who is set to release a book about digital nomad travel this month, has become a true expert in living a minimalist and organized lifestyle on the road. In this conversation, we delve into several intriguing topics: What motivated you to get rid of 98% of your belongings and become a minimalist? Discover the personal journey and motivations behind Kayla's decision to embrace a minimalist lifestyle, and how it has enriched her life. How should someone start the process of letting go of items? Kayla shares practical tips and strategies for anyone looking to declutter their life and t