Backbone Radio With Matt Dunn

Backbone Radio with Matt Dunn - January 14, 2024 - HR 1



Opening Monologues. Iowa Arrives. Looking good. Trump holds record-setting polling leads in the Des Moines Register. New York City high school kicks out American students to house migrants. Elon Musk says migrants will soon “come for your homes.” Meanwhile, Biden approvals hit record lows. A defensive Jill Biden says people don’t realize how hard Joe works. True that! Senior Living in the Biden WH. Reviewing the outlandish Georgia corruption of DA Fani Willis and companion Nathan Wade. Host describes the current crop of elected RINO Republican leaders as the most duplicitous political coterie in history. Aiding and abetting the demise of America. Host gets a haircut. We come out in praise of our super cold subzero weather. Nice! With Great Listener Calls.See for privacy information.