Mike Church Presents-the Red Pill Diaries Podcast

Stick A Fork In Him, DeSantis Is Done!



Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was a rising star in the Republican Party.  He stood up to the Regime Leader during the CoronaHoax, he took down Disney and the Woke Mafia, and he won re-election by a landslide. Despite all of his success, he is losing to war hawk Nikki Haley.  Mike Church knows why and reveals how DeSantis was hoodwinked by the GOP establishment.  His ambition for the White House is a part of his downfall, but is the deal with the uniparty that will cost him his future. Mike exposes how the uniparty used DeSantis' ambition against and why he is done after this election cycle.  For those answers, listen to this episode of the New Christendom Daily.