David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles

A Tribe Movie Workshop with Commentary by David Hoffmeister



A Tribe Movie Workshop with Commentary by David HoffmeisterThe movie "Always" is a powerful exploration of the ego's belief system, which is often resistant to change. Jesus spends nine chapters on one topic in "A Course in Miracles," focusing on the special relationship, which is the core belief of the ego. The resistance can be seen in the intense discussions about special love and hate relationships, where people may resist the deep topics.This world is tied to fear, guilt, pain, and shame as it attempts to create a substitute that will take the place of God's love. The ego's attempt to edge God out is referred to as complete amnesia, making up a darkness that life cannot enter.This first bi-weekly Tribe Movie Workshop offers a deep exploration of the ego's beliefs and the resistance to change. By understanding the ego's attempt to substitute a different reality for God and heaven, we can better navigate our relationship with God and the world around us.To participate online in a Tribe Movie Workshop, join