
BEVApod Life: Combining research with clinical practice, flexing life and answering questions with Edd Knowles



Edd has always enjoyed working on projects and has seamlessly woven this into a successful clinical career. Whilst recognising the opportunities and support that have allowed this to happen, alongside the funding, particularly from The Horse Trust and Waltham Petcare Science Institute, it is clear that his open-minded approach to careers and dedication to having a clinical impact have contributed to his success. With one leg in research and the other in general practice, he can understand the challenges vets face, and brings this perspective to the research he carries out; from Strangles to laminitis, and now Atypical Myopathy. His variety of skills and experience has enabled him to move the fulcrum of work-life balance as life has evolved, and this helps fuel his passion for exploring the frontiers of veterinary knowledge.