Earl Grey: A Star Trek The Next Generation Podcast

279: Finding Loopholes



Favorite Conflict Resolution Moments in TNG.   Conflicts and how those conflicts are resolved are an essential part of storytelling. Gene Roddenberry famously said that in The Next Generation, there should be no conflict among the characters that we follow. The writers often expressed that this was a challenge in creating stories for the show. However, we do see plenty of conflicts with outside forces and even some between the characters on the Enterprise-D and the Enterprise-E. How those conflicts are resolved within the episodes and movies of The Next Generation are an important aspect of the show's enduring appeal. In this episode of Earl Grey, hosts Amy Nelson and Justin Oser are joined by Shoaib Mirza, Associate Producer of The Edge, to list their three favorite conflict resolution moments from The Next Generation. Each participant talks about why the moments discussed are meaningful to them and important to understanding the characters on The Next Generation. Chapters Intro (00:00:00)  Babel Conference