Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Greater | Part 2 | Catch Your Drift | Chris Voigt



Catch Your Drift Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews January 14, 2024 There is something appealing about the idea of just drifting along, going wherever the tide or breezes carry you. On the surface it sounds relaxing or refreshing. After all…navigating the demands of daily life is hard work. We can feel pulled in a million difference directions. Who wouldn’t welcome an opportunity to just float for a bit? And ‘a bit’ isn’t usually a problem. It’s when coasting or floating along becomes the norm that we run into trouble. Because sooner or later, without course corrections, the current will carry you into places you never wanted or intended to go. Last week we started a brand-new series we’re calling Greater. For the next several weeks, we will be digging into the New Testament book of Hebrews. It’s a book that will give us a deep understanding of the superiority of Jesus and remind us that He is worth following, with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Following Him requires both intention an