Calvary Omaha :: Worship Encounter Audio Podcast

Crash Course | Pastor Todd Doxzon | Matthew 7



"Crash Course" is a thoughtful sermon by Pastor Todd Doxzon where he examines the themes of wisdom and foolishness, using personal anecdotes and biblical teachings. He underscores the significance of understanding the Bible as a life guidebook given by God, and the critical need for applying its teachings to daily life, rather than merely reading or listening. Drawing from a powerful metaphor in Matthew 7:24-27, Doxzon showcases the importance of residing one's life on the sturdy foundation of Jesus' teachings, stressing that only those who act upon Jesus' teachings will withstand life's metaphorical storms, while those who don't will be swept away. Moving forward, Pastor Todd draws attention to additional subjects, such as judgment and the golden rule, provoking the congregation to replace judgment and condemnation with understanding, forgiveness, and love. Furthermore, he juxtaposes the 'narrow gate' representing the challenging road to life against the 'broad gate' denoting the straightforward path to dest