Sawmill Business Podcast

Chad Beall: Tree Frog Woodworking



“ I went to college on the jazz guitar scholarship and I'm all right brain and ended up doing construction on the side to kind of help pay the bills you know, music is a really hard way to make a living. And remembering things led to another and I started stumbling into the really artistic aspects of woodworking. And so that kicked it off.” -Chad Beall Welcome to a brand-new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast. Today, your host Steve Larosiliere is joined by Chad Beall from Tree Frog Woodworking, Chad’s story begins with his love for music. Attending college on a jazz guitar scholarship, he envisioned a life filled with melodies and chords. However, life had a different rhythm in store for him. To support his musical aspirations, Chad started working in construction, which inadvertently introduced him to the world of woodworking. His entry into the woodworking industry wasn't planned; it was a serendipitous encounter with the artistic side of this craft. As life progressed, Chad's priorities shifted