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1013: Utilizing Content Creation To Attract Clients And Generate Leads with Levi Lascsak



Have you ever found yourself trapped in the grind of doing everything on your own, feeling overwhelmed by the belief that hiring help was just too expensive? Most entrepreneurs fail because they think they can do it alone and it will be much cheaper. Little do they know that this method will only burn them out and will lead to failure. As such,  spend more time doing what you love rather than being buried in prospecting tasks. Picture yourself implementing a strategic plan, hiring people, and leveraging their expertise. Envision breaking free from the shackles of time-consuming activities and just prioritizing the most important task. Doing so directs you to the path of success. Levi Lascsak is a real estate agent and investor, business consultant, YouTuber, and the co-founder and CEO of Positive Prospecting, guiding you to generate leads and close deals through content creation. With his exceptional skills and knowledge as an entrepreneur, Levi will discuss all about creating content, real estate, hiring