Juicebox Podcast: Type 1 Diabetes

#44 Getting Off The Diabetes Roller Coaster



Bethany, mom of 4-year-old T1D Will, finds the nerve to be bold with insulin after a phone call with Scott. Scott gives her some basic steps to take to stop the spikes she sees in her son's blood sugar. After a short period of time, Bethany sees success by pre-bolusing and addressing high blood sugars sooner. She shares her son's initial T1D diagnosis story, her stress over his uncontrollable blood sugar, and her path to finding answers. Show Notes Please support the podcast by learning more about the OmniPod tubeless insulin pump - Click it! Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes today! Check out my type 1 diabetes parenting blog Arden's Day Listen to the Juicebox Podcast online Read my award winning memoir: Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal: Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Dad The Juicebox Podcast will soon be available on Google Play! Follow Scott on Social Media On Twitter @ArdensDay @JuiceboxPodcast On Facebook Arden's Day - Juicebox Podcast On Instagram @ArdensDay @JuiceboxPodcast Disclaimer - Nothing you hea