Juicebox Podcast: Type 1 Diabetes

#40 Anisha Dharshi is the Director of Type 1 Diabetes at the ADA



Anisha Dharshi is a person living with type 1 diabetes who happens to also be the director of type 1 diabetes programs for the American Diabetes Association. Anisha holds a Masters in Public Health from Johns Hopkins and has focused her career on working in healthcare. She has worked for the British Medical Journal, the Institute of Medicine and the National Quality Forum. Anisha's entire family lives with diabetes; her sister has Type 1, her father was diagnosed with T1 late in life and her mother has type 2 diabetes. Anisha may have a serious life and a serious education but she is a light-hearted and upbeat individual who is crazy fun to talk to. I get it if you initially hear that the Director of Programs from the ADA is the guest on episode 40 and think, "boring"... but no, no... Anisha rocks! Interesting aside, spellcheck changes her name every time you type it, this took three times as long to write because of that... :) Show Notes Learn about all that 1-800-DIABETES and all that the ADA can do for you