Juicebox Podcast: Type 1 Diabetes

#34 Jenna is Eighteen and Already Amazing!



Jenna is an eighteen year old college student who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of thirteen. To say that Jenna has 'it' together is, well, the understatement of all understatements. Seriously, I hope my kids turn out half as well. Heck, I wish her parents raised me.... "The interesting thing about (having) diabetes is that you start to understand other people's problems more clearly..." Jenna talks about her diagnosis and how her mom handled the life change. Find out about decisions that she's made on her own to help her blood glucose levels and much more. Listening to Jenna will leave you comforted if you're the parent of a child with type 1 and perhaps inspired if you are living with it yourself. Check Jenna out on Instagram, she's at diabetestips and look for a guest blog post from her soon on Arden's Day. I need a kid to explain this Instagram thing to me, I'm apparently not doing it well. You can show your support for the Juicebox Podcast by checking out this episodes sponsor - The OmniPo